Mr. Roberto Esteban Moro
Secretario de Estado (SEDRONAR)
Ms. Bernadette Ellis*
Registrar, Health Professions Council
Mr. Mustakim Billah Faruqui
Director General, Department of Narcotics Control
Mr. John Bóhrquez Buitrago
Project Manager for UTC, DAP-Colombo Plan
Dr. Badou Roger N'Guessan
Drug Abuse Treatment, Research and Epidemiological Studies, Comité Interministériel de Lutte Anti Drogue
Côte d’Ivoire
Mr. Godlove Vanden-Bossche
Head, Counselling, Referral & Social Re-integration Unit, Narcotics Control Commission(NACOC)
Ms. Upma Srivasatava
Additional Secretary to the Govt. of India, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
To Be Announced
Demand Reduction, BNN
Ms. Grace Wanjiku Joseph
Director, Psychological, Counseling Services &
Head of Counseling Services,
State Department, Public Service
Dr. Mohd Rafidi bin Jusoh
Director, Training Center, National Anti-Drugs Agency (NADA),Ministry of Home Affairs
Ms. Maria Elena Medina-Mora
Head of the School of Psychology, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Dr. Ogun Oluwayemi Cecilia
Medical Director, Federal Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital, Yaba, Lagos
Mr. Sabino Sikandar Jalal
Senior Joint Secretary, Ministry of Narcotics Control
To Be Announced
Permanent Member, Dangerous Drugs Board
Ms. Hyesun Kim
Representative, Korean Association of Addiction Professionals
Republic of Korea
Ms. Siza Magangoe
Chief Director for Families, Minister of Social Development
South Africa
Mr. Shakya Nanayakkara
Chairman, National Dangerous Drugs Control Board, Ministry of Defense
Sri Lanka
Dr. Prapapun Chucharoen
Deputy Chair
Program Director, Addiction Studies Department, Mahidol University, ASEAN Institute for Health Development
Pr. Hajer Aounallah-Skhiri
Professor of Preventive and Community Medicine; Faculty of Medicine – University Tunis El MANAR (UTM) / Director of the National Institute of Health (NIH)
Dr. David Basangawa
Director, Daksi Clinic
Dr. Samya Al Mamari
Acting Director, Medical Service Sector, NRC
United Arab Emirates
Phan Dinh Thu
Director, Treatment Policy, Department of Social Vices Prevention, Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs
HE Dr. Benjamin P. Reyes
Secretary-General, Colombo Plan Secretariat
Sri Lanka
Mr. Brian Morales
Branch Chief, Counternarcotics. Office of Global Programs & Policy, INL, U.S. Department of State
United States of America
Dr. Abel Basutu
Senior Drug Control Officer, Social Affairs Department, African Union
Ms. Jimena Kalawski
Demand Reduction Unit of the Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (ES-CICAD) of the Organization of American States
United States of America
Mr. Terrence D. Walton, MSW
Executive Director, NAADAC
United States of America
- Develop standards of requisite knowledge in substance use disorder (SUD) prevention, treatment and recovery support.
- Provide evaluation mechanisms for measuring and monitoring the level of knowledge required for GCCC ICAP credentialing and/or certification programmes.
- Provide formal recognition to those who meet the ICAP credentialing and certification standards.
- Establish policy and guidelines for acquiring and maintaining credentials and certifications in accordance with non-discrimination regulations regarding race, creed, religion, sex, age, ethnic background, and any other pertinent guidelines set by the Commission.
- 2022
- Advances in Pain Management (David Bayever, Phd, GTL Wits Intl., South Africa)
- ICUDDR (Michal Miovsky, PhD, Head Dept. of Addiction, Charles University, Czech Rep)
- Mahidol University (Dr. Prapapun Chuchareon, Thailand)
- NADAAC (Cynthia Moreno-Tuohy, Former Executive Director)
- Review on GCCC Activities (Becky Vaughn, Former GCCC Director)
- Update on Training (Dr. Nathalie Panabokke, Former Acting Director)
- UTC Evaluation of Self Led Courses | Executive Summary (Dawn A. Randolph, Consultant)
- 2021
- 2020