GCCC Commission


  1. Develop standards of requisite knowledge in substance use disorder (SUD) prevention, treatment and recovery support.
  2. Provide evaluation mechanisms for measuring and monitoring the level of knowledge required for GCCC ICAP credentialing and/or certification programmes.
  3. Provide formal recognition to those who meet the ICAP credentialing and certification standards.
  4. Establish policy and guidelines for acquiring and maintaining credentials and certifications in accordance with non-discrimination regulations regarding race, creed, religion, sex, age, ethnic background, and any other pertinent guidelines set by the Commission.

Executive Board

The Executive Board is comprised of the Commission officers: Chair, Deputy-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer; the Training Committee Chair; the Examination and Credentialing Committee Chair, and the Ethics Committee Chair.


Training Committee

Advises on maintaining the high quality and standards of training by CCA-Approved Education Providers

Examination and Credentialing Committee

Advises  on the Examination and Credentialing process and procedures

Ethics Committee

Reviews complaints of ethical violations against individuals credentialed and/or certified by the Commission and advises  on the course of actions to be taken in case of such violation.

Executive Board

The Executive Board is comprised of the Commission officers: Chair, Deputy-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer; the Training Committee Chair; the Examination and Credentialing Committee Chair, and the Ethics Committee Chair.


Training Committee

Advises  on maintaining the high quality and standards of training by CCA-Approved Education Providers

Examination and Credentialing Committee

Advises on the Examination and Credentialing process and procedures

Ethics Committee

Reviews complaints of ethical violations against individuals credentialed and/or certified by the Commission and advises on the course of actions to be taken in case of such violation.

Commission Members

* Executive Board Member

Dr. María Verónica Brasesco*

Deputy Chair

Director, Drug Observatory, (SEDRONAR)


Ms. Bernadette Ellis*


Registrar, Health Professions Council


Mr. Nima Damdul

Ethics Cmte

Chief Program Officer, Demand Reduction Division, Narcotics Control Agency


Md Jamal Uddin Ahmed

Credentialing Cmte

Director General, Department of Narcotics Control Ministry of Home Affairs


Mr. Carlos Ibáñez Pina

Training Cmte

Technical Advisor, SENDA, Chief of Addiction Unit, University of Chile


Mr. Francis Kofi Torkornoo

Training Cmte

Executive Secretary, Narcotics Control Board (NACOB)


Ms. Upma Srivasatava

Ethics Cmte

Additional Secretary to the Govt. of India, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment


Dr. Riza Sarasvita*

Chair, Ethics Cmte

Demand Reduction, BNN


Mr. Yuji Yazawa

Training Cmte

President and CEO, Oneness Group


Dr. Richard M. Gakunju*

Chairperson, Ex-Officio Cmte Member

Chairman, Kenya Certification Council


Sejin Ju

Ethics Cmte

President, Korean Association of Addiction Professionals

Republic of Korea

Dr. Zall Kepli MD Rejab

Training Cmte

Ass’t Professor, Cyberjaya University College Of Medial Sciences


Dr. Sabri Bin Zainudi Zainul

Credentialing Cmte

Chairman, National Dangerous Drugs Control Board, Ministry of Defence


Mr. Ata Hussain Shah Hashmi

Training Cmte

Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Narcotics Control


Mr. Benjamin P. Reyes

Training Cmte

Permanent Member, Dangerous Drugs Board


Mr. David Bayever

Ethics Cmte

Chairperson, Central Drug Authority

South Africa

Dr. Prapapun Chucharoen*

Chair, Training Cmte

Program Director, Addiction Studies Department, Mahidol University, ASEAN Institute for Health Development


Mr. Kansas Cafferty

Chair, Cred Cmte

Chair, National Certification Commission for Addiction Professionals (NCC AP) under the auspices of NAADAC

United States

Phan Dinh Thu

Ethics Cmte

Director, Drug Addiction Treatment Policy, Department of Social Vices Prevention, Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Social Vices Prevention


H.E. Dr. Hamad Al Ghaferi

Immediate Past Chair

Director General, National Rehabilitation Centre (NRC)

United Arab Emirates

H.E. Ambassador Dr. Phan Kieu Thu


Secretary – General The Colombo Plan Secretariat


Mr. Brian Morales


Director, Global Drug Demand Reduction Division, US State Dept, INL

United States

Ms. Jimena Kalawski


Demand Reduction Unit of the Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (ES-CICAD) of the Organization of American States

United States

Meetingand Minutes

  • 2024